Article co-written by engineering faculty Sundaram, Alfred University alumni, appears in ACerS Bulletin

An article co-authored by S.K. Sundaram, Inamori Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Alfred University, and Alfred University alumni Ryan Fordham and Shawn M. Allen, appears in the December 2024 issue of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) Bulletin.
The article, titled “A study of lithography-based additive manufacturing of ceria ceramics,” was co-written by Sundaram, along with Fordham, Allen and Nicholas Voellm, who are materials engineer, vice president, and materials technician, respectively, at Lithoz America, a Troy, NY-based maker of additive manufacturing (3D printing) equipment to produce high-performance ceramics.
Allen earned a bachelor’s degree in materials science and engineering from Alfred University in 2002. Fordham earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Alfred University in 2019 and a master’s degree in materials science and engineering, also from Alfred University, in 2021.
The case study published in the ACerS Bulletin investigates the printability of ceria with a range of densities and microstructures using the Lithoz CeraFab 8500 system. “Advances in additive manufacturing have led to a range of techniques to produce ceramics with complex geometries,” according to the article’s introduction.
“Cerium oxide, or ceria, is widely and historically known for its use as an abrasive, particularly to help polish specialized glasses, such as telescope mirrors. But lately, this rare earth metal oxide has gained substantial attention in advanced technological applications as well, including photo- and electrocatalysis, fuel cells, and more recently, medicine.”