MFA Thesis Exhibit

Archer Rivers

Alfred-Düsseldorf Painting

Artist Statement

I work within my own truisms. Merriam-Webster defines truism as “an undoubted or self-evident truth especially: one too obvious to mention”. I take phrases from my encounters in life and transform them into art by disrupting their foundation. The language I use becomes detached from their definitions and falls into my realm of understanding. These truisms are anecdotes of my experience. Emotion, mood, and pre-existing connotations are made through my handling of color. Through this way of art making, I use text as a vehicle to create a more complex statement beyond what a dictionary can provide.

The process of creating my paintings includes construction and destruction. I build up layers of acrylic and painter's tape, alternating between the two. Some paintings have early layers that could be finished paintings themselves. It is a decision to paint over these kinds of layers. I accept that it could be a great painting, but it is the wrong time, and proceed to working through the painting. A particular layer or aspect of a painting might be well-executed but it's not time to stop working on the painting. It involves a balance of experimentation, critical assessment, and willingness to jeopardize the outcome of the work. The tape allows me to save parts of the image underneath, which contributes to the final piece. The iterations of the painting inform each other through the process. In the end the tape comes off, and the final image is revealed.

The interplay between different forms of expression—paintings, installations, and books—allows me to push the boundaries of my practice and explore new possibilities for connection and communication. Each medium offers its own set of challenges and opportunities Ultimately, my work serves as a reflection of my experiences, emotions, and insights. I am inviting viewers to engage with themes of vulnerability, authenticity, communication, and human experience. By embracing the directness and intimacy of art books and the expansiveness of installations, I create spaces of dialogue, reflection, and transformation.